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Ads for Yorkshire Terrier Puppies in California, Los Angeles

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The smallest Yorkshire Terrier on record stood only 6.3 cm high and weighed 113g. The ultra long, fine, silky coat parts along the spine and falls straight down on either side. It is steal blue on the body and tail, and tan elsewhere.

2803 Your address, USA

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Visit Website Tel: +1 234 567 8999, Category

Miami, USA

Latest Dogs & Puppies in Los Angeles
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Super tiny teacup male Yorkie puppy Adorable, tiny male Yorkie puppy to be re-homed. Mom is less then 3.5lbs and dad is 3lbs. I will be placing hi...

6 days ago
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The smallest Yorkshire Terrier on record stood only 6.3 cm high and weighed 113g. The ultra long, fine, silky coat parts along the spine and falls straight down on either side. It is steal blue on the body and tail, and tan elsewhere.

2803 Your address, USA

Sponsored links can be an effective way to place your ad or business website at the top of all listings. Sponsored links deliver quick, highly convertible traffic to your website.

Visit Website Tel: +1 234 567 8999, Category

Miami, USA

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